發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-10-26 來(lái)源: 黨課講稿 點(diǎn)擊:
《 個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告存在問(wèn)題.doc》 個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告存在問(wèn)題 2020 年個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告 2020 年,在公司黨委正確領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,自覺(jué)踐行“三個(gè)代表”重要思想,牢記“兩個(gè)務(wù)必”,認(rèn)真貫徹落實(shí)黨的十八大精神和中央八項(xiàng)規(guī)定,突出重點(diǎn),標(biāo)本兼治,以負(fù)責(zé)的態(tài)度、務(wù)實(shí)的作風(fēng),團(tuán)結(jié)和帶領(lǐng)分廠廣大干部員工認(rèn)真抓好黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)和反腐倡廉工作,提高黨員干部的思想政治素質(zhì),自覺(jué)抵制腐敗現(xiàn)象,促進(jìn)分廠各項(xiàng)工作不斷向前發(fā)展。現(xiàn)結(jié)合工作實(shí)際,將自己一年以來(lái)貫徹落實(shí)民主集中制、執(zhí)行黨風(fēng)廉政責(zé)任制以及遵守廉潔自律規(guī)定等情況匯告如下:
一、積極務(wù)實(shí),率先垂范,樹(shù)立加強(qiáng)作風(fēng)建設(shè)的信念 黨的十八大明確指出,加強(qiáng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部的作風(fēng)建設(shè),改進(jìn)工作作風(fēng),才能保持黨的先進(jìn)性和純潔性。2020 年公司把貫徹落實(shí)中央八項(xiàng)規(guī)定精神、集團(tuán)公司二十條規(guī)定和公司《關(guān)于改進(jìn)工作作風(fēng)、密切聯(lián)系群眾的實(shí)施細(xì)則》作為切入點(diǎn),進(jìn)一步突出作風(fēng)建設(shè),不斷深化作風(fēng)轉(zhuǎn)變,強(qiáng)化領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部執(zhí)行力。積極參加黨的群眾路線教育實(shí)踐活動(dòng),深入一線落實(shí)“五個(gè)一”活動(dòng),聽(tīng)取意見(jiàn),為員工解決突出問(wèn)題;開(kāi)展批評(píng)與自我批評(píng),對(duì)照黨章,對(duì)照廉政準(zhǔn)則,對(duì)照改進(jìn)作風(fēng)要求,對(duì)
二、恪盡職守,加強(qiáng)學(xué)習(xí),增強(qiáng)黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)的責(zé)任 作為分廠廠長(zhǎng)、黨支部副書(shū)記,既是班子成員,也是書(shū)記的參謀助手,我始終把維護(hù)班子的團(tuán)結(jié)、當(dāng)好參謀、做好服務(wù)作為履職的基本要求,貫穿于分廠全年工作的全過(guò)程,突出重點(diǎn),抓好落實(shí)。
堅(jiān)決落實(shí)黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制 完善領(lǐng)導(dǎo)體制和責(zé)任機(jī)制。堅(jiān)持廉政建設(shè)與生產(chǎn)工作“兩手抓,兩手都要硬”的方針,確保制定的工作計(jì)劃執(zhí)行到位,并將管理人員黨風(fēng)廉政情況納入年終考核目標(biāo),激發(fā)廣大黨員干部參與廉政工作的熱情,使反腐倡廉工作不斷深入開(kāi)展。
認(rèn)真貫徹執(zhí)行民主集中制 堅(jiān)持民主決策和集體研究重大事項(xiàng)制度。分廠班子始 終堅(jiān)持民主集中制,堅(jiān)持重大事項(xiàng)集體研究決定,嚴(yán)把廉潔從政關(guān),嚴(yán)守反腐倡廉底線。嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行各項(xiàng)財(cái)務(wù)紀(jì)律和規(guī)章制度,認(rèn)真開(kāi)展“小金庫(kù)”的自查清理工作。一年多來(lái),我們沒(méi)有發(fā)現(xiàn)違規(guī)違紀(jì)情況發(fā)生。
三、廉潔自律,以身作則,積極營(yíng)造風(fēng)清氣正的氛圍 一年來(lái),我認(rèn)真履行“一崗雙責(zé)”和黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制要求,嚴(yán)格遵守《廉政準(zhǔn)則》,認(rèn)真執(zhí)行重大事項(xiàng)報(bào)告制度,慎微慎獨(dú),以身作則,不斷提高拒腐防變能力。生活中始終堅(jiān)持勤儉樸素的生活作風(fēng),保持健康的生活情趣,不講闊氣、擺排場(chǎng),時(shí)時(shí)處處以自身廉潔自律去帶動(dòng)和影響身邊的人。對(duì)分廠員工嚴(yán)格要求,嚴(yán)格管理,警鐘長(zhǎng)鳴,防患于未然。對(duì)照《廉政準(zhǔn)則》自查,沒(méi)有利用職權(quán)和職務(wù)上的影響謀取不正當(dāng)利益;沒(méi)有違反公共財(cái)物管理和使用的規(guī)定,沒(méi)有假公濟(jì)私;沒(méi)有講排場(chǎng)、比闊氣、鋪張浪費(fèi),注意節(jié)儉辦事;沒(méi)有脫離實(shí)際,弄虛作假,損害員工利益和干群關(guān)系。
四、存在的主要問(wèn)題與不足 理論學(xué)習(xí)抓的不夠緊。存在被動(dòng)學(xué)習(xí)的現(xiàn)象,學(xué) 習(xí)的自覺(jué)性和系統(tǒng)性不夠強(qiáng)。在運(yùn)用學(xué)習(xí)成果指導(dǎo)實(shí)踐、破解難題上還有一定的差距,存在學(xué)用脫節(jié)的現(xiàn)象。
五、今后改進(jìn)的措施 加強(qiáng)理論學(xué)習(xí)、提高科學(xué)解決問(wèn)題能力。樹(shù)立與時(shí)俱進(jìn)的思想,大膽解放思想,不斷開(kāi)拓創(chuàng)新,增強(qiáng)運(yùn)用科學(xué)理論解決生產(chǎn)、發(fā)展、穩(wěn)定中各種矛盾和問(wèn)題的本領(lǐng),提高駕馭全局的能力。
認(rèn)真落實(shí)黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè),深入開(kāi)展反腐敗斗爭(zhēng)。認(rèn)真執(zhí)行黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制,帶頭遵守廉潔自律各項(xiàng)規(guī) 定,時(shí)刻以《黨章》和《廉政準(zhǔn)則》要求自己。堅(jiān)決抵制腐朽思想的侵蝕,守住小節(jié),防微杜漸,以實(shí)際行動(dòng)樹(shù)立和維護(hù)黨員領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部的良好形象,為公司實(shí)現(xiàn)“六強(qiáng)”發(fā)展目標(biāo)做出自己的貢獻(xiàn)。
2020 個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告范文 三篇 2020 個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告范文 第一篇:2020 最新個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告范文 20XX 年將要過(guò)去,回顧一年來(lái)的工作和學(xué)習(xí),作為一名 xx所干部,在分局、所的正確領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,本人以《領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部廉潔自律若干規(guī)定》為行動(dòng)準(zhǔn)則,把創(chuàng)先爭(zhēng)優(yōu)活動(dòng)與做好本職工作結(jié)合起來(lái),不斷提高政治素質(zhì)和業(yè)務(wù)水平,適應(yīng)新的崗位要求。認(rèn)真履行崗位職責(zé),在德、能、勤、績(jī)、廉等方面都取得了一定的進(jìn)步,較好地完成了自己擔(dān)負(fù)的各項(xiàng)工作任
務(wù)。一年來(lái),加強(qiáng)學(xué)習(xí),今年發(fā)表的情況報(bào)道共計(jì) x 篇,其中在市局簡(jiǎn)報(bào)上登載的 x 篇,市級(jí)刊物上 x 篇,人民網(wǎng)等新聞媒體上的有 x 篇,獲得 XX 年度 x 稱(chēng)號(hào),F(xiàn)將自己一年來(lái)各方面的情況總結(jié)匯報(bào)如下:
一、加強(qiáng)黨性修養(yǎng),清潔廉政 作為一名 x 干部,我時(shí)常提醒自已,要按照共產(chǎn)黨員的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)嚴(yán)格要求自已,時(shí)刻繃緊廉潔自律這根弦。應(yīng)常思貪欲之禍,常懷律已之心,常修為政之德。努力加強(qiáng)黨性鍛煉,牢記黨的宗旨,全心全意為民服務(wù)。一年來(lái),我積極參加了深入學(xué)習(xí)實(shí)踐"科學(xué)發(fā)展觀"的活動(dòng),以"xxxx"重要思想為指導(dǎo),不斷改造自己的世界觀,樹(shù)立正確的人生觀、價(jià)值觀,自重、自省、自警、自勵(lì),嚴(yán)格遵守法律、法規(guī)和各項(xiàng)廉政規(guī)定,增強(qiáng)抵制各種腐敗思想侵蝕的免疫力,廉潔奉公,依法辦事。
二、 努力學(xué)習(xí)業(yè)務(wù)知識(shí),不斷提高業(yè)務(wù)素質(zhì)和能力 我主動(dòng)適應(yīng)新形勢(shì)下 x 部門(mén)的任務(wù)和要求,堅(jiān)持不懈地學(xué)習(xí)國(guó)家有關(guān)政策法規(guī)和 x 知識(shí),做到學(xué)習(xí)有計(jì)劃,系統(tǒng)性,持之以恒,不斷提高工作效率。今年,我積極參加了上級(jí)組織的 x 等法律、法規(guī)的學(xué)習(xí),計(jì)算機(jī)操作等技能的培訓(xùn)。通過(guò)學(xué)習(xí)提高了自己的思想政治素質(zhì),為履行崗位職責(zé)、搞好 x工作打下了良好的思想、業(yè)務(wù)技能基礎(chǔ)。在今年 x 組織的 x,獲得"優(yōu)秀個(gè)人"稱(chēng)號(hào)。
三、踏實(shí)肯干,履行崗位職責(zé) 一年來(lái),我始終堅(jiān)持嚴(yán)格要求自己,努力工作,盡職盡責(zé)做好本職工作。在同志們的關(guān)心、支持和幫助下,較好地完成了上級(jí)交辦的任務(wù)。1、做好來(lái)訪投訴的接待工作。能熱情接待,不怕煩瑣,耐心細(xì)致的解答好來(lái)訪者的問(wèn)題。2、做好 x 管理工作,及時(shí)反饋相關(guān)處理結(jié)果。3、做好 x 文秘工作。按時(shí)收發(fā)各種文件,認(rèn)真收集各類(lèi)工作信息,及時(shí)向上級(jí)反映工作情況,確保信息工作按時(shí)保質(zhì)完成。對(duì) x 及時(shí)進(jìn)行宣傳報(bào)道。4、做好 x 檔案管理工作。
第二篇:個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告 2020 按照鎮(zhèn)黨委的要求,就本人一年來(lái)個(gè)人履行崗位職責(zé)以及學(xué)習(xí)、工作、廉潔自律等方面的情況簡(jiǎn)要匯報(bào)如下,請(qǐng)各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和同志們批評(píng)指正。
第三篇:2020 年度個(gè)人述職述廉報(bào)告范文 尊敬的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、同志們:
大家好! 現(xiàn)將本人 2020 年度履行職責(zé)及廉潔自律的情況予以匯報(bào),敬請(qǐng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)與同志們給予批評(píng)指正,以便進(jìn)一步改進(jìn)工作。
一、 注重理論學(xué)習(xí),提升思想政治素質(zhì)。
二、 注重廉政建設(shè),筑牢反腐倡廉大堤。
抓自身。作為公司紀(jì)委書(shū)記,我深知"打鐵還需自身 硬",時(shí)刻堅(jiān)持從我做起,勤政廉潔,努力做到自律、自省、自警、自勵(lì),嚴(yán)格遵守廉潔自律的準(zhǔn)則,認(rèn)真落實(shí)中央"八項(xiàng)規(guī)定",清清白白做人,干干凈凈做事,始終保持共產(chǎn)黨人的本色。
抓管理。落實(shí)黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制,與 簽訂了黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任書(shū),各級(jí)干部按照"一崗雙責(zé)"的要求,認(rèn)真做好組織落實(shí)工作,形成各負(fù)其責(zé)的工作格局。在此基礎(chǔ)上,強(qiáng)化對(duì)黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制落實(shí)情況的檢查考核,作為對(duì)黨員干部年度考核的重要內(nèi)容。通過(guò)對(duì)責(zé)任和任務(wù)的明確分解,使公司黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)和反腐敗等各項(xiàng)工作落實(shí)到了班子,細(xì)化到了部門(mén),量化到了個(gè)人,基本做到了業(yè)務(wù)工作管到哪里,黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)就抓到哪里,初步形成了廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任機(jī)制。
加強(qiáng)對(duì)效能監(jiān)察管理。為規(guī)范對(duì)外購(gòu)市場(chǎng)煤的管理,也為有效降低采購(gòu)成本,公司對(duì)" "進(jìn)行立項(xiàng)。公司紀(jì)委不斷跟進(jìn),通過(guò)監(jiān)察,取得了較好的監(jiān)察效果。
一年來(lái),我們積極開(kāi)展信訪維穩(wěn)各項(xiàng)工作,一是嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行上級(jí)黨委制定的《信訪工作量化考核方案》,設(shè)專(zhuān)人與地方和周邊農(nóng)村進(jìn)行協(xié)調(diào)聯(lián)系,積極把各種矛盾和問(wèn)題隱 患解決在萌芽狀態(tài),保證了生產(chǎn)秩序的正常進(jìn)行;二是堅(jiān)持定期召開(kāi)信訪工作例會(huì),確定了由當(dāng)日值班領(lǐng)導(dǎo)負(fù)責(zé)信訪接待的"領(lǐng)導(dǎo)信訪接待日"。使員工訴求渠道暢通,對(duì)關(guān)乎員工切身利益的事情能夠及時(shí)反映、及時(shí)解決和反饋。公司呈現(xiàn)了員工有意見(jiàn)及時(shí)反映,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)有決策及時(shí)公布,上下同心,共建和諧興能的良好現(xiàn)象。
新的一年我將進(jìn)一步把握形勢(shì),堅(jiān)定信心,以?shī)^發(fā)有為的精神狀態(tài),求真務(wù)實(shí)的工作作風(fēng),銳意進(jìn)取,扎實(shí)工作,為實(shí)現(xiàn)公司 2020 年的各項(xiàng)工作目標(biāo)做出應(yīng)有的貢獻(xiàn)!謝謝大家! 二 0 一五年度述職述廉報(bào)告 ****公司黨委書(shū)記 *** 各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、同志們:
2020 年,在上級(jí)黨委的正確領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,我與班子成員一道,重點(diǎn)組織和全程參與了本公司“三嚴(yán)三實(shí)”專(zhuān)題教育,加強(qiáng)了政治理論學(xué)習(xí),改進(jìn)了工作作風(fēng),提升了組織領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力,加強(qiáng)了黨的建設(shè)和思想政治工作,帶領(lǐng)全體干部職工開(kāi)拓進(jìn)取,努力拼搏,圓滿地完成了***年初下達(dá)的績(jī)效考核目標(biāo)和公司的各項(xiàng)工作任務(wù),下面我將一年來(lái)工作、學(xué)習(xí)情況和主要表現(xiàn)從以下幾個(gè)方面進(jìn)行匯報(bào):
一、履行黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)主體責(zé)任情況 作為黨委書(shū)記,我認(rèn)真履行黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)“第一責(zé)任人”職責(zé),深入推進(jìn)本公司黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)和反腐敗工作。
在此次專(zhuān)題教育中,本人能認(rèn)真參與各階段的活動(dòng)。一是能認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)黨的十八屆四中五中全會(huì)精神,深入學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)近平總書(shū)記系列重要講話精神,學(xué)習(xí)黨章和黨的紀(jì)律規(guī)定,重點(diǎn)研讀《習(xí)近平談治國(guó)理政》《習(xí)近平關(guān)于黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)和反腐敗斗爭(zhēng)論述摘編》。認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)焦裕祿、楊善洲、沈浩等全國(guó)先進(jìn)典型事跡,從周永康、薄熙來(lái)、徐才厚、令計(jì)劃、蘇榮等違紀(jì)違法案件及省、市一些領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部違紀(jì)違法案件中,汲取教訓(xùn)、自警自醒。不斷提高思想認(rèn)識(shí)和理論水平。二是能以高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的政治覺(jué)悟,認(rèn)真查找自己在遵守黨的政治 紀(jì)律、執(zhí)行中央“八項(xiàng)規(guī)定”、 聯(lián)系服務(wù)群眾“最后一公里”和關(guān)系群眾切身利益方面存在的主要問(wèn)題,并分析存在問(wèn)題的原因,提出了切實(shí)可行的整改措施。三是注重學(xué)習(xí)研討,在個(gè)人自學(xué)的基礎(chǔ)上,認(rèn)真撰寫(xiě)讀書(shū)筆記和心得體會(huì),認(rèn)真準(zhǔn)備和積極參加“嚴(yán)修以身、嚴(yán)以律己、嚴(yán)以用權(quán)”3 個(gè)專(zhuān)題的學(xué)習(xí)研討,注重加強(qiáng)黨性修養(yǎng),堅(jiān)定理想信念,嚴(yán)守黨的政治紀(jì)律、政治規(guī)矩和樹(shù)立忠誠(chéng)、干凈、擔(dān)當(dāng)?shù)男滦蜗蟆?/p>
一年來(lái),本人緊緊圍繞貫徹《關(guān)于實(shí)行黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制的規(guī)定》,嚴(yán)格遵守法律法規(guī)、嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行《廉政準(zhǔn)則》,從小事做起,防微杜漸。不利用職權(quán)和職務(wù)影響為親友謀取私利。在財(cái)物使用上始終堅(jiān)持開(kāi)源節(jié)流、精打細(xì)算。為確保責(zé)任制落到實(shí)處,我與班子成員,班子成員與分管科室負(fù)責(zé)人依次簽訂了責(zé)任書(shū),將廉政建設(shè)與公司日常工作進(jìn)行捆綁考核,做到一級(jí)管好一級(jí),一級(jí)對(duì)一級(jí)負(fù)責(zé)。一是定期開(kāi)展學(xué)習(xí)教育,筑牢全體職工的思想道德防線,保持隊(duì)伍的思想穩(wěn)定,激發(fā)愛(ài)崗敬業(yè)的工作熱情。二是定期開(kāi)展一人一事思想政治教育活動(dòng),對(duì)工作積極性不高,有違紀(jì)違規(guī)苗頭的,及時(shí)進(jìn)行談心交心,注重發(fā)現(xiàn)傾向性、苗頭性的問(wèn)題,堅(jiān)持真抓、早抓、主動(dòng)抓,將問(wèn)題解決在萌芽狀態(tài)。三是堅(jiān)決執(zhí)行民主集中制原則,做到重大事項(xiàng)、重大問(wèn)題集體研究;四 是定期召開(kāi)專(zhuān)題民主生活會(huì),對(duì)照黨風(fēng)廉政建設(shè)責(zé)任制的執(zhí)行情況,開(kāi)展批評(píng)與自我批評(píng),保持勇于“揭短”的心態(tài)。
二、落實(shí)中央“八項(xiàng)規(guī)定”、省委“九條規(guī)定”和市委“兩規(guī)定一辦法”情況 以身作則,帶頭改進(jìn)工作作風(fēng)。
我與班子成員一道從嚴(yán)從實(shí)肅風(fēng)正紀(jì),開(kāi)展止懶治庸專(zhuān) 項(xiàng)整治,強(qiáng)化了對(duì)不良作風(fēng)的剛性約束,按規(guī)矩辦事、按規(guī)矩用權(quán)意識(shí)明顯增強(qiáng)。
三、認(rèn)真履行職責(zé),抓好各項(xiàng)工作落實(shí) 認(rèn)真履行職責(zé),積極推動(dòng)公司的穩(wěn)步發(fā)展。在加強(qiáng)黨的思想政治建設(shè),堅(jiān)持和完善黨委中心組學(xué)習(xí)制度的同時(shí),我們還加強(qiáng)了中層干部的培訓(xùn)學(xué)習(xí),著力抓好政策業(yè)務(wù)能力和全局駕馭能力、辦事能力、服務(wù)質(zhì)量、工作效率的提高,提高了學(xué)習(xí)效果,促進(jìn)了各項(xiàng)工作。
按照住建委黨委要求,我們開(kāi)展了黨的基層組織建設(shè)和 分類(lèi)定級(jí)、升級(jí)工作,同時(shí),我們還做好黨員發(fā)展工作,堅(jiān)持成熟一個(gè)發(fā)展一個(gè)的原則。
公司與各科室簽訂了相應(yīng)的責(zé)任目標(biāo)書(shū),全面落實(shí)各項(xiàng)安全防范措施,不斷提高處理和應(yīng)對(duì)突發(fā)事件的能力。一是建立健全組織,落實(shí)責(zé)任目標(biāo)。成立了社會(huì)管理綜合治理領(lǐng) Opinions and suggestions on the
party"s mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party committee "about carrying out the
party"s mass line educational practice activity in the city"s implementation opinions, the spirit of the party"s mass line educational practice activities from
20** in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations. According
to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county
education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee
as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central Committee
really, opinions and advice > < < >, < party implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements,
step method, in accordance with the "" look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "for
the people pragmatic honest people as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to
the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and
< The opposition party and government austerity waste regulations "," double section "provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the" twelve "plan and the
implementation measures for < on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the
whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful extravagance to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style
and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further
change the style of the wind, the masses to close, honest and pragmatic people honest image to further establish the foundation to
further reinforce the basic level. Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of
the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the
unit is mainly:
the county and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and community, village, non-public economic
organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations. Agencies and branches, each single unit, follow the rules on internal institutions. Educational practice with
step by step.To adhere to the county leadership, leadership and leading cadres to focus on outstanding catch to directly contact the service
of the masses of law supervision departments and window units, service industry, educational practice, pay attention to grasp the heavy towns, streets
and villages, community education activities and the masses of grassroots groups in close contact to strengthen, and the majority of Party members,
cadres and the mass line line Marx doctrine view of the masses and the party"s education.Always speak seriously as a basic attitude,
adhere to positive education, to carry out criticism and self criticism group, adhere to the pragmatic, more emphasis on leadership, pay more
attention to the layers of the demonstration, more focus on the four winds, solve the problem, pay more attention to open the
door, the participation of the masses, pay more attention to the classification guidance. Orderly, pay more attention to the cooperation and cohesion
driven, more strict requirements on injection, really supervision practice, ensure education practice is not empty is not empty is not partial, not
as a mere formality.Two, the key point of the taskThe main task of the county"s education practice is to seize against "four
wind" this focus on centralized solve outstanding problems asked County, township leadership and leading cadres of the four winds, the disadvantages of
the style, scale behavior to a large scale investigation, overhaul, cleaning greatly. At the same time, respond to the concerns of the
masses, safeguard the interests of the masses, pay attention to solve practical problems, solve the people around the unwholesome tendencies especially on
eat, take the card, Yong lazy luxury, extravagance and waste fees, privileges and other issues, timely and effective, without any discount to
solve, to improve the style of real implementation of the requirements of real to the grassroots, real let group Benefit the public.(a)
focus on solving the "four winds" outstanding issuesThe central and provincial requirements, the county leadership and leading cadres of key performance concept
is not correct, do not dare to play, to engage in "image project", "political project", a leadership guide, a set of ideas,
orders and prohibitions, and a policy, there are countermeasures county. The units directly under the heavy focus on solving Yung lazy drag,
buck passing skin, work is not implemented, the service is not active. The dynamic problem of law enforcement and supervision departments and
window units, service industry mainly solve the door hard, ugly face, something difficult, and arbitrary charges, fines, levies, and breach of privilege,
chinakayao, not the problem of law. The township, street The collar of leading bodies and leading cadres to solve key does not
care about the well-being of the masses, the sense of responsibility is not strong, go to implement the policy of benefiting shrink,
work style is simple and crude, falsifying false fraud and other issues. The village, community based organizations at the grass-roots level is
mainly to solve the weak and feeble, and awareness and ability to serve the people is not strong, unjustly and other issues.Municipal
Party committee, county leadership and leadership cadres targeted solution to stem from generation to generation theory of learning and learning, thinking and
understanding of low low, non boundary is not clear, father-in-law private is not divided, the inner world of emptiness, ginseng in feudal
superstition, values dislocation, justice back; keen to on the run, do not pay attention to down and down to earth, and improve
the people"s livelihood and not enough attention; the use of policy research, promote the development plan of thought is not clear, do
not respect the objective laws of law, not to contact the local reality, to work on, Dianmianjiege, solve complex problems, a lot
of ways; organization sense lax discipline Chi, eat Eat and drink, or hold, as the style is not enough to listen to
the views of democracy, is not sufficient. The problems in county units directly under the needle to solve all departments, regardless of
the immediate, regardless of the overall care, long far, problems encountered around, interests struggle, work obstruction, objective reasons to find on the
level assigned by the office the task of top do not do, for people to do things for various reasons do not
drag on the business policy; eat out, are not allowed to grasp the situation of grass-roots work, the standard is not high,
but had to go, not for the hard life, I wish you work; accustomed to when the second pass hand, to implement
the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents, Mechanically, and mechanical operation, inspection and assessment of excessive and indiscriminate procedures too
cumbersome, the service efficiency is not high; back to work late and leave early, off-site their labor does not contribute, work, play
games, go to Taobao, do private affairs. Law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry for the solution of departmental
interests first, set up the trap of consumption, and increase their cost, making things difficult for the masses, yuminzhengli; engage in selective
enforcement, arbitrary enforcement, and does not give the benefits do not work, give the benefits of out of work, do human case,
relations case, money case. Township. Street leadership and leading cadres have needle To solve the service consciousness is not strong, and waiting
for the door, need to take the initiative to ask less, "day" phenomenon is serious, the masses who can not find work;
don"t respect people meaning will not pay attention to do ideological work, administrative work force, attitude toward the masses evil bad rebuked;
awareness of the law and policy ideas is not strong, not in accordance with the law and legal procedures, arbitrary misappropriate by
taking of project funds, to deceive the masses, and fool superior; the masses deduction of property, and the masses of money owed,
on account, a bunch of problems depend, against the interests of the masses. The village, community organizations and so on have a
needle to solve the ability to lead the masses out of poverty to get rich The policy is not strong, and is
not in place, excellent affectionate friends and other issues.According to our actual County, county led the leadership and leading cadres to solve
outstanding neglect of theoretical study, relaxed ideological uplifting, the transformation of the subjective world is not enough; the development of consciousness is
not strong, the lack of a pioneering spirit of innovation and development of extension and planning work style, the starting point is
not high; the work style of the wind drift, work strength is insufficient promote the working poor, pointing problem. Agatanoatae departments (units)
to solve the conflict outstanding overall awareness is not strong, a unit of interests, to push and push, can avoid to be
avoided, "buck" style of play; the wind is not practical, formalism, take office remote command, issue orders left and right; the development
of service ability; On the higher level policy is not strong, don"t eat thoroughly, grasp the information held to get large projects,
good projects, not many democratic consciousness; indifferent Bo, autocratic, project implementation and financial management policy is not strict, not according to the
provisions of the compression three funds, private, a "small exchequer" work, reception and public service vehicles to exceed the standard, Gongjusiyong, gongsibufen;
discipline loose, fine depressed, apathetic, baggy collapse. Problems of law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry to solve the
standard process prominent light weight rights bureau, light duty, light service charge, regardless of weight, the global and the interests of the
masses, not As slow as, as the chaos; are keen to shout slogans, slogans, really not good in service, and do practical
things. Problems of Rural Township, street leading bodies and leading cadres to solve outstanding stem development consciousness is not strong, unclear thinking,
with the current situation, progress, innovation consciousness is not strong. The work did not pick up, appearance change is the sense of
purpose; desalination, not understanding of public opinion, not good at doing all the work of the masses, reflect some problems of setting
aside, long failed; style is not democracy, serious paternalism, listen to different views, "What I say goes. Tang; hhrrc idle away in
seeking pleasure and so on village. Community organizations and so on, but also highlight the fabric to solve the ideological concept of
old concept, weak, lazy, too and, fighting force is not enough to play enough; lack of respect for the masses, work without
principles, they enforced the policy breach of privilege, engage in "shrink aliasing," local policies, damage the interests of the masses;; the lack
of sense of responsibility, avoid everything to hide things timid, occupied the position of secretary, shape useless work method; rough simple, engage
in coercion, resort to deceit, and abuse of power, lawlessness and other issues. The school to highlight the occupation belief to solve
read shake, the spirit of dedication is not enough, the lack of a noble. Desalination, realm, the status of the student body,
the spirit of unremitting slack, satisfied with the existing level and achievement; school administrative management, value orientation of utilitarianism, than the performance
to be better than the treatment, than fame, accepted by the parents a gift, education and teaching quality is not high, the
reform of teaching and research ability is not strong; school behavior is not standardized, weight should try, light quality, disorderly enrollment, charges
fees, arbitrary subscription supplementary information, not before class preparation, classroom lecture class disorderly mess, makeup, do not read homework, "" day "phenomenon.
The problems in medical and health institutions to solve the outstanding health ethics is not high Yifeng is, dedication is not enough,
The lack of a sense of responsibility, minor illnesses Dazhi, prescription; service, cumbersome procedures, registration fees, and the time of taking the
medicine, long treatment time is short, efficiency is not high; treat patients face cold tone, gas blunt, arrogant, buck passing skin, the
doctor-patient relationship is not harmonious; professional ability is not strong, service quality is not high, climbing competition prevailed; the spirit of low-spirited
vibration, lax discipline, and post their income by kickbacks and envelopes, patients receiving home family banquets and other issues. The non-public economic
group organization to resolve outstanding overall concept, social responsibility is not strong, law-abiding integrity consciousness about the production and operation, and service
quality is not high; reform Development and upgrading of the reform is not active, internal management institutions are not scientific, major issues
in decision-making democracy is not high degree of democracy, disregard of the interests of workers, job consumption is not standardized and other
issues.Authorities at all levels and their subordinate units and grassroots organizations should focus on solving it organization slack, slack discipline problems. To
deepen and expand the effectiveness of the storm action as an important content of various organs to carry out educational practice activities,
continue to play well to improve the style of work, the transformation of government functions, optimizing the administrative environment, standardize administrative law
enforcement act, the implementation of major responsibility "55 big battle" to further improve the service quality and administrative ...