

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-24 來源: 歷史回眸 點擊:

  摘 要:采用歷史與邏輯相統一的視角對競技本質技藝論的理論體系提出質疑。提出了4個疑點:“游戲”概念的混亂使用;經驗歸納的研究方法論割裂了客觀事實的整體性和連續(xù)性;對競技本質游戲論的批判未能把握靜態(tài)和動態(tài)兩個層面的經驗質料;競技本質技藝論的立論混淆了技藝和游戲在競技活動中的層次。研究認為:應當剔除競技本質技藝論的本質屬性,以競技技藝論重新給技藝在競技活動中定位;研究競技本質問題還需依托游戲論作為基礎,而技藝論則應著重關注競技活動中的技術現象。
  關 鍵 詞:體育哲學;競技;本質;游戲;技藝
  中圖分類號:G80-05 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1006-7116(2018)02-0009-08
  The questioning of the theory that the nature of competition is skill and
  the establishing of the theory that competition is skill
  ZHANG Qi1,XIA Chun2,GONG Zheng-wei1
 。1.School of Leisure Sports and Art,Shanghai Sports University,Shanghai 200438,China;
  2.School of Physical Education and Sport Training,Shanghai Sports University,Shanghai 200438,China)
  Abstract: From the perspective of history and logic unification, the authors questioned the theoretical system of the theory that the nature of competition is skill, and put forward 4 questioning points: the conception of “game” was used chaotically; the research methodology concluded based on experience separated the wholeness and continuity of objective facts; the criticism on the theory that the nature of competition is skill failed to grasp the static and dynamic essence of experience; the establishment of the theory that the nature of competition is skill mixed up the levels of skill and game in competitive activities. The authors drew the following conclusions: the nature attribute of the theory that the nature of competition is skill should be removed, while the orientation of skill in competitive activities should be reestablished based on the theory that competition is skill; studying the issue about the nature of competition still need to be carried out based on the game theory, while the skill theory should focus more on technical phenomena in competitive activities.
  Key words: sports philosophy;competition;nature;game;skill

相關熱詞搜索:技藝 競技 建構 質疑 本質

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