

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:

  摘 要:采用簡單相關和典型相關分析方法研究了文山州烤煙化學成分與海拔和經緯度之間的相關性,結果表明:文山州海拔、經緯度對煙葉主要化學成分的影響依次為海拔>經度>緯度;煙葉總糖和還原糖含量與海拔存在極顯著負相關關系,與經度存在極顯著正相關關系;煙葉煙堿和總氮含量與海拔呈極顯著正相關,與經度呈極顯著負相關;B2F和X2F煙葉鉀含量與海拔存在顯著正相關關系,B2F煙葉鉀含量與經度存在顯著負相關關系。
  中圖分類號:S572 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1006-060X(2015)11-0029-03
  Abstract:The correlations between altitude, longitude, latitude and the contents of chemical components in flue-cured tobacco in Wenshan were analyzed with simple correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis. The results indicated that the influence on the main chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco in Wenshan turn for altitude>longitude > latitude. There were extremely significantly negative correlation between altitude and the contents of total sugar, reducing sugar, and there were extremely significantly positive correlation between longitude and the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar. There were extremely significant positive correlation between altitude and the contents of total N, nicotine, and there were extremely significant negative correlation between longitude and the contents of total N and nicotine. There were extremely significantly positive correlation between altitude and the contents of K of B2F and X2F, and there were extremely significant negative correlation between longitude and the contents of K of B2F.
  Key words:flue-cured tobaccop; chemical composition; altitude; longitude and latitude; canonical correlation analysis; Wenshan
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 煙葉樣品采集與測定
  2013年在文山州通過GPS選取123個點采集煙葉樣品,海拔跨度為1 163~1 945 m,經度跨度為E103.256°~105.289°,緯度跨度為N22.940°~24.413°,其中硯山31個、文山19個、馬關7個、丘北21個、西疇14個、麻栗坡12個、廣南19個,每點采集B2F、C3F、X2F各一個煙葉樣品,每份1.5 kg,共369份。煙堿、總氮、總糖、還原糖、鉀和氯含量的測定按照王瑞新等[6]的方法進行。
  1.2 數據處理與分析
  2 結果與分析
  2.1 烤煙主要化學成分與海拔經緯度簡單相關分析
  2.2 烤煙主要化學成分與海拔、經緯度的典型相關分析

相關熱詞搜索:文山 經緯度 煙葉 相關性 海拔

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